Navigating DE&I Fatigue: How to Sustain Commitment and Momentum
We are now in a time where many companies are re-examining their diversity, equity, and inclusion strategies. Many companies have returned to merging their DEI with their existing HR departments and most DEI officers are leaving. There is a growing sense of DEI...
Distinguishing High-Achievement from High Performance
I was determined to succeed because I am a high achiever. I got good grades in school. I was on the honor roll in high school. I made the Dean’s List in college. I sat in the front row in my classes so that the teachers would notice me, my efforts, and my...
Turning Disappointments into Discoveries
Wow, that went fast! Isn’t that the usual sentiment as we wind down our summer and get back to more structure and routine? What experiences were you able to take advantage of and enjoy these past couple of months? There were movies and concerts that got a lot of buzz....
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