Your burnout is telling you something. It’s giving you information about what what you need to let go of to get to what you want. All of the stuff you are going through can feel like a heavy blanket of exhaustion and overwhelm. Just because you feel burnt out,...
Everything is about perspective, right? It’s a fact that what you focus on grows. When you focus on loss, inconvenience and negative energy, your fear and hopelessness grows. When you focus on positive, motivating voices and influence, your...
Are you a driven person? Are you always in the doing and in the busyness of life? If so, I was thinking about you today. I remember when I was building my real estate business from scratch. I was working my day job in dental hygiene and running the household while...
Being controlling is EXHAUSTING! So is worrying about the future and lamenting about the past. No matter who we are, life is going to put us through the changes we need to go through. Are we willing to use these changes for our transformation? How will I ever know...
One of the points I had mentioned in previous blogs was investing in my education to become a real estate investor. This has been the largest, scariest investment in myself that I have ever made. You see, our financial situation was rapidly declining when I decided to... I was married, for the second time, in 2009 in the city of Berlin in Germany. I had known my husband for 12 years at that point and we had been together for 7 years as a...
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