Thank You For The Acknowledgement

Thank You For The Acknowledgement

Did you ever notice how much more people do for you when you show acknowledgement and appreciation? Whether it’s the wait staff at restaurants, the concierge at a hotel, the flight attendants on your flight or the sales clerk at a store. They all give a little bit...
Are You Trying to Fix Everything?

Are You Trying to Fix Everything?

Perfectionist love to fix everything that’s not quite right. You see something wrong and you want to fix it. It’s hard to let it go and let it be. It “should” be this and it “shouldn’t” be that. Instead of asking for help, you got this and you can do it yourself....
Who Are You Talking To?

Who Are You Talking To?

Who are you talking to? Who are you hanging out with? What are they saying? Are they gossiping and putting people down? Are they constantly giving you their opinions and advice? OR are they listening to you and telling you what you need to hear and not what you want...
How To Transition from Stress to Being Present

How To Transition from Stress to Being Present

You can’t pour from an empty cup! How do you transition from the stress of your day to being present with your family and loved ones? If you don’t give yourself the opportunity to switch gears from the energy of working or being at work, to the energy of being...
Do You Feel Like Giving Up?

Do You Feel Like Giving Up?

I know what if feels like to want to give up on your relationship. When communication gets hard, you feel misunderstood and it seems like everything ends in an argument. When you feel like nothing is ever going to get better. YOU JUST WANT TO GIVE UP! I’ve felt that...
How You Speak The Truth

How You Speak The Truth

I often hear people defending themselves for speaking the truth, even when it hurts. It’s often in the context of saying things that insult how you look, what you said or what you did. Truthful or not, how you say things is more important than what you say. Telling...

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